• SO Leadership

  • Leadership, Motivational, Business


    Leadership in business used to be top down where mostly CEOs, managers and owners participated in Leadership Development and Training.  In today's ever-changing and fast-paced business world, inspiring leadership broadly throughout the organization is vital.  Leadership skills are consistently rated very high on the 'must have' list when business owners and organizations are looking to hire and bring people onto their teams.  Inspiring leadership broadly throughout schools, businesses and our communities will help to create strong, resilient, solution-focused people, which will have a positive effect on our businesses and our communities. 


    Leadership principles are being taught in school starting in kindergarten and weave in and out of curricula and extra curricular activities throughout all grades and into college and university.  It shouldn't stop there, and the South Okanagan Chamber wants to ensure that leadership opportunities are available for those entrepreneurs, business owners, staff, students and community members who want to add this more formally to their professional development. 


    Please connect with us at manager@sochamber.ca or 250-498-6321 to get involved and help shape training opportunities, business exchange groups, and leadership think tanks. 

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